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Photo of Beginners Shooting Class

Beginners Shooting Class


For kids 3rd-6th grade.

I’m Possible Certified Trainer – Danielle Johnson – leads the younger kids through an introductory course on shooting the basketball.

Learn the basics of shooting a basketball.
Get comfortable & confident shooting the ball.
Set the foundation for the future.

During this clinic we will be understanding proper hand placement, lift point, lift path, follow through, coordination of your body in relation to your shot, footwork, form & much more. You will get plenty of time to practice what you learn & begin to master shooting the basketball.

All of the shooting greats had to start somewhere.
You are in luck… starting your shooting training with I’m Possible Training puts you way ahead of the game.
Learn through a system trusted by pros & athletes across the globe.

Wednesday, September 11th – 5p-6p
Wednesday, September 18th – 5p-6p
Wednesday, September 25th – 5p-6p

Three days dedicated to beginner level shooting instruction.
* Our recommendation is that you attend all three sessions


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