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Join the Academy. Led by Wisconsin’s best Parker “Skipp” Sigmon & the gold standard of basketball training – I’m Possible Training – trusted by 100+ NBA players & tens of thousands of College Athletes. PT Academy is an action packed week long experience designed to revolution your game.

I’m Possible is basketball training like you have never seen before. Giving you the roadmap to achieving your basketball dreams.
Walk away feeling not only more confident in your game, but more confident in your plan for development. More confident in the way you workout & practice.
By focusing on weaknesses rather than strengths, we help players grow at rapid pace.

  • Revolutionize your training approach
  • Find more confidence in your abilities & movements
  • Identify weak points in your game
  • Understand a plan for how to improve – turn weaknesses into strengths.
  • Professional basketball training curriculum made for anyone